The Five W’s to Seeing Grey Whales in Mexico


Grey whales. Majestic gentle giants once thought to be vicious and man-eating (see: Moby Dick). What else do we know about them? Theeeeeyyyyyy speeeeeeeak liiiiiiiiiiike thiiiiiiiiiiiis. Here’s the who, what, when, where, and why to grey whale encounters in Baja California. Plus, see my experience here.

1. WHO: Grey Whale Mother and Calf

Mama grey whales undertake the longest annual trek of any mammal from their feeding grounds in the Arctic to their nursery lagoons off the west coast of Baja California and back again (#girlpower). After the mothers give birth, they hang around for a bit to get their kid ready for the trip back.

Magdalena Bay Grey Whale Tour

 2. WHAT: Grey Whale Encounter Tour

Going to Baja during grey whale migration season is the prime time for up-close interactions with these awesome marine mammals (no binoculars needed!). I went with a tour group called Loreto Sea and Land Tours. The guides were super enthusiastic and knowledgeable. Most tours involve entering their go-to hangout spots along the coast by a small 12-person boat called a pagan. Then spending a few hours on the water following the mom and baby as they swim around – sometimes coming right up to the boat! If you’re lucky and the whales feel at ease, you’ll get to witness an iconic tail slapping, fin waving, or spouting! A lot of tours will also take you to a nearby island from some land exploration and provide you with lunch. See my full day with them here.

3. WHEN: Grey Whale Migration

The mothers and calves only stay in the shallow waters of Baja California between the months of February and March. It’s a pretty small window, so I wouldn’t recommend pushing the time frame by going too early or late. Be sure to contact a local tour company close to your visit to ask about how many whales they have been seeing. They’ll be honest with you because they don’t want you to be disappointed.

Magdalena Bay Grey Whale Tour
Where to See Grey Whales Magdalena Bay

WHERE: Grey Whale Nursing Lagoons in Baja

There are two main spots to see grey whales in Baja California, Mexico: Magdalena Bay and Ignacio Lagoon. I went to Magdalena Bay because Loreto Sea and Land Tours provides a free shuttle from Loreto (where I was staying and the nearest airport is). Magdalena Bay is also much easier to access independently by car from other parts of Baja. Ignacio Lagoon is a little more isolated in terms of access and accommodations. On the other hand, Ignacio Lagoon is much less crowded.

There are two main access points for Magdalena Bay: Adolfo López Mateos and Puerto San Carlos. Our guides arranged for us to go to Adolfo López Mateos because they called and heard there were more whales to the north. Adolfo López Mateos ended up being this fun and colorful port with a lot of local families going DIY and renting their own boat and driver for a nice weekend activity. There were nice bathrooms for a few pesos. Some decent local food options, although lunch was included with our tour.

Where to See Grey Whales Magdalena Bay
Where to See Grey Whales Magdalena Bay

Adolfo López Mateos Lighthouse Coffee

Magdalena Bay Grey Whale Festival 2016

Mag Bay Grey Whale Adolfo López Mateos

Where to See Grey Whales Magdalena Bay

Where to See Grey Whales Magdalena Bay

WHY: Grey Whale Endangerment

The tragic reality of this magical event is that every year less whales receive the cue to migrate due to warming waters. In addition, manmade dangers like shipping lanes and oil spills create further stress on grey whale populations. The Western North Pacific grey whale is critically endangered with as few as 150 individuals left. Can you even imagine!? That’s smaller than my high school graduating class by a long shot. You can help by divesting from oil and gas; demanding safer drilling; and buying MSC-certified seafood to encourage safer fishing techniques that reduce by-catch. Go see them now while you still can and support eco-tourism in order to help protect the whales and raise awareness about their struggle.

Magdalena Bay Grey Whale Tour

See my day with them here for more details!