Corals and Turtles at Lady Elliot Island on the Great Barrier Reef


When you think of the Great Barrier Reef, you definitely think of the coral and the turtle. At Lady Elliot Island, we found these just a few steps out of our hotel room. It’s definitely the best way to see the reef without the group tours, day trips, and box jellies.

The Corals and Climate Change

Visiting the coral gardens here is amazing as you quite literally step off the beach and you are there. The saddest part of visiting coral reefs nowadays is coral bleaching. This is due to higher carbon dioxide levels in the air from human industrial activities dissolve into the ocean. Once in the ocean water, the carbon dioxide acidifies the water and impedes creatures made of calcium carbonate (like coral) from forming shells. Seeing this bleaching of such colorful creatures first-hand is a huge reminder of our global impact and how we need to focus on cutting our carbon emissions.

Coral reef at low-tide.

Documenting coral bleaching from climate change.

The Snorkeling and Turtles

The snorkeling was really amazing as you could get really close to the corals without needing to scuba dive. There were soooo many turtles! Absolutely everywhere.

At night, we stalked the beaches to see turtles laying their eggs. It was impressive due to the sheer size of these turtles compared to the ones we had seen out on the reef during the day. The staff educates you to not use your flash or make noises as you don’t want to deter the turtles from laying their nest. Also, beware that they will start flinging sand to dig, you can see how strong they are and you could get hit by loose coral! Truly an unforgettable experience!

Snorkeling in the deep end of Lady Elliot Island.

Look a sea turtle!

Sea turtle in the deep end.

Giant sea turtles heading back to sea after laying a nest of eggs.

A human for size comparison – they are huge!

Is that a rock emerging from the sea!?